Ik Onkar Scroll


Size : 14 x 9.5 Inches

SKU: MFC-16 Categories: ,

Ik Onkar ੴ are the opening words of the Sikh holy scripture and communicates the idea of Oneness of God and Oneness of humanity.
Ik (ਇ”ਕ) is interpreted as “one and only one, who cannot be compared with any other; the un manifest, Lord in power, the holy word, the primal manifestation of the Godhead, in which All live, move and have their being; and by which all find a way back to Absolute God, the Supreme Reality.
It can also be understood as being One with Everything. The creator and creation are one entity, inseparable in the way an ocean is made up of its individual drops, or a tree is composed of its individual components.

Ek Onkar
There is only one One God
One Truth
One CONCIOUSNESS Its all One !

Weight0.50 lbs