Guru Charan yantra


Size: 16 x 14 Inches

SKU: SA-08 Categories: ,

The Guru’s feet have a deep symbolism. The fountain of the Guru’s grace of the guru flows through his feet. We bow at the feet of the master, we are privileged to touch his feet, we yearn for the pollen dust of our guru’ lotus feet, we make all our offerings at his feet, and ultimately the Guru’s feet have the power to liberate us. It is believed that the totality of the Satguru is contained within his feet. All nerve currents terminate there. The subtle vibration of the Guru’s physical, mental, astral and soul body can be accessed though his feet. Touch the feet and we can touch the transcendent state of the master.

This Guru Charan yantra is to facilitate a communion with the energy of our master by worshiping and prostrating at the master’s feet. By reminding ourselves of the Guru’s lotus feet we are overcome with feelings of love, devotion, surrender, and humility which are a pre-requisite on our spiritual quest. When we are in a state of devotion and surrendering of our ego before our master we immediately open ourselves to higher possibilities that he is offering and realize that there is much that we need to discard to realise our own higher self.
Mantra: Om Shri Gurubhyo Namaha

Weight0.50 lbs